Fall is my favorite season! Why? Because the trees start to change into the most majestic colors and the air cools. This is especially powerful because with it comes a change of attitude... and I like to take time for myself to be out in nature and to feel into the cycles.
Autumn beckons you outdoors. It waves from open windows and whispers, “Come play!” It calls for our inner child's creativity with food and crafts.
As the hot days of summer give way to cooler temperatures you can begin to see the tell-tale signs of fall appearing all around. Autumn is a great time to get outside and enjoy nature’s seasonal sights.
Searching for the signs of fall is also an educational activity. While learning about the leaves of trees changing colors in the fall, I enjoy learning something new everyday.
Fall is so beautiful. Reds, oranges, yellows, and browns begin to make the world a lovely place. The air begins to smell a bit different. Morning dew begins to appear. The angle of the sun in the sky changes. The light of day begins to soften – the strength and quality of light changes. The days get noticeably shorter as it gets darker earlier each night. The direction of the wind changes and windy days become more common.
Our energy bill will lower as the air conditioner is needed less and less. For the guys (and gals) football season begins. There are fewer people on beaches and at pools. Fall decor begins to appear and Halloween costumes go on sale in stores.
I also feel a certain nostalgia...
As you too feel into the changing of the season, tune in to the beauty and the sensations that come with it. Get outside. Spend more time in nature and gather gratitude for the many blessings we all share.
Warm fall greetings to you and yours,