“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
—“Declaration of Independence,” Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Aquinas, heavily influenced by Aristotle, held that reason was the highest function and purpose of human beings, and therefore everyone, could work out what was ‘good’. He believed that God designed the universe and the creatures within it to a specific purpose (as Aristotle put it, ‘nothing happens without reason’). Aquinus thought that by following our nature, we are carrying out the purpose God wants us to do – by following the nature that God gave us, we are doing good. He then explained what our nature is...the thing that separates humans from animals is their higher thinking abilities – their reason, which he calls a ‘divine spark.’
I question often if we have been taught to use the animal or mammalian part of our brains? How would we know better? It seems, we have been taught to commonly use of the reptilian brain, which is perpetuated by fear. If so, the likelihood of making good decisions becomes lessoned, and more leaning towards combative and or passive states of relating. How can we make good healthy decisions using the reptilian part of our brains? The answer? We cannot.
Natural Law is a rule of action put into place by one who has care of the community, as Source, or God, has care of the entire universe. Source, choosing to bring into existence, beings who can act freely and in accordance with principles of reason is enough to justify our thinking of those principles of reason as law. According to Thomas Aquinas, natural law is an aspect of divine providence.
Natural law constitutes the principles of practical rationality; having a rational mind or having the ability to make sound judgments. Understanding what is good provides reasons, for us rational beings, to act and to pursue that which is good.
One cannot have a theory of divine providence without a divine being. So, to know good is to believe in benevolent features of the universal “plan.”
This is providence, to know there is an ultimate plan for our lives and to attempt to align with this providence. Today, this is being called the “Flow State.” Some people may be regard and consider this paradoxical, and most would agree it is. I wrote my Senior paper on fate vs. freewill. This topic always perplexes me.
A common articulation is knowing that the fundamentals of natural law are knowable by our very nature. All human beings possess a basic knowledge of the principles of the natural law. This knowledge is shown in our intrinsic directedness. I call it our innate nature. We have this “built in” to our beingness... a propensity toward the various goods that the natural law enjoins us to pursue! We become aware of this through our attempt to pursue happiness through daily attaining practices either unconsciously or consciously.
Intent is everything. I have stated often that “the doing is in the trying and the trying is in the doing!“ Our relentless attempt to align with providence comes with our ability to be prudent. These are cardinal objectives and virtues. It has also been stated that prudence is given by God, just as is discernment, as a virtue.
it is important to exercise the muscle of imagination to bring forth the energetic alignment... “IMAGE-in that which you ultimately desire!”
We know what is right and wrong if we are acting in accordance with natural law. Killing of the innocent is always wrong, as is lying, adultery, sodomy, and blasphemy and that they are always wrong is a matter of natural law. These are only examples, and not all an exhaustive list of absolutely forbidden actions. One must draw his/her own articulations to align with the natural world.
Natural Law compels one to believe or hold as self evident that all human beings have a common nature.
Human beings all have a similar physiological make up, causing us to have some desires in common. These desires are commonly known as purpose. In this we can build important and essential precepts of rationality.
Rational thinking would entail that what is good for someone is what is desired. Can this be stated as fact? What is true for you is also true for me? Probably. But perhaps not!
Humans are similarly constructed so that for each human (when he or she is properly biologically functioning) his or her central aim is the avoidance of violent death, pain and suffering. Yet, often it seems we do not act or behave rationally, to align with what is in our best good.
Perhaps the biggest question in life is, Why? Why would I want to perpetuate my own suffering? The answer lies in one simple principle. When we are not aware of our unconscious patterns we cannot align with what is in our best interest. It is a practice to have fortitude and be diligent and consciously aware as to choose what is best for us! To align with nature is the greatest practice.