Grounded in her being, she covers herself just as the bare land of Terra fills the brown dirt with shallots of green.
Modest, living in a way that is becoming of respect, she isn’t waiting for anyone to save her. Instead, alone, she deepens into herself drifting on a leaf being carried down the water of a river bed.
Relaxed and restful and tending to the needs of her own body; loved and adored by the nature spirits, she doesn’t stop to hear of what the fates are stirring.
She does not need to succumb to the world’s fantasy of some exalted being riding up to save her. Her mind doesn’t wait for a savior to escape. She rests in the loving arms of her own soul. She drinks the beauty of life, knowing she is always cared for. She has everything she needs.
Not looking to what others are doing or the nonsense they display, she cares for herself with devotion in the deepest ways. Her eyes stay on the path before her, visioning that which is healthy and in balance with Terra.
Present, not entranced by a dreamland, she rests by a tree to feel its strength and wisdom carried into its roots.
Full Moon August 2018 🌿
Angela Jeanne Rose Heart